Long Covid

What is long covid and why are its effects different for different individuals? Recovery from COVID is unique for everyone. With a wide array from no symptoms to mild/severe symptoms that can lead to an easier recovery of quickness and completion to a long recovery with lasting symptoms. April 2022 reports started to come in […]


Recently, we participated in the Nevada Faith and Health Coalition meeting led by Bishop Ron Thomas, a member (or Promise Partner) of the West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood’s Healthy Children, Families, and Communities Pillar. Several Promise Partners attended, including Debra Toney and Debra Collins, chair and vice-chair of the Nevada Action Coalition. The “Debras” spoke passionately about health […]

Managing Your Bills during COVID-19

Do you want to know how to manage your bills during this health crisis? COVID-19 has thrown the economy into a tailspin. Many people have been laid off, furloughed, or are working fewer hours. And as wages dry up, bills can pile up. If you need financial counseling, sign up for a workshop hosted by […]


Recently, we participated in the Nevada Faith and Health Coalition meeting led by Bishop Ron Thomas, a member (or Promise Partner) of the West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood’s Healthy Children, Families, and Communities Pillar. Several Promise Partners attended, including Debra Toney and Debra Collins, chair and vice-chair of the Nevada Action Coalition. The “Debras” spoke passionately about health […]