Welcome to Nevada Partners

The Lead Agency For The West Las Vegas Promise Neighborhood

How Can We Help?

STEM Education

STEM classes and guided training programs in Hydroponics, Solar, Drones, and 3D Printing.​


Get access to down-payment assistance, housing counseling and mortgage assistance help. ​


Entrepreneurship Programs designed to create new pathways to self-sufficiency and wealth-building for individuals.

Youth Programs

Made for and led by youth programming and resources include board meetings, mentorship, group learning, & advocacy.

Promise Neighborhood

Check the events calendar for educational workshops, work and business opportunities, advocacy, and more. ​

Get Involved

Community professional and skills-building workshops, jobs fairs, and resume building to help you build your career.​

About Nevada Partners

Since 1992, Nevada Partners Inc has been at the forefront of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and often systemic issues that are barriers to building a healthy, thriving, sustainable and progressive community. Today, Nevada Partners Inc and our collective of community partners offers wrap-around services in housing, education, career development, health, and more.

Recent News & Education

Nevada Partners and Plataforma Impact Join Forces to Launch Technology Career Development and Training Program for Youth in North Las Vegas

Nevada Partners and Plataforma Impact Join Forces to Launch Technology Career Development and Training Program for Youth in North Las Vegas

Nevada Partners and Plataforma Impact Join Forces to Launch Technology Career Development and Training Program for Youth in North Las Vegas ...more


September 18, 20246 min read

Mental Health: Stay Mentally Strong

Mental Health: Stay Mentally Strong

Mental Health: Stay Mentally Strong ...more


August 26, 20241 min read

Knowing Your Rights as a Voter: It’s your right to vote

Knowing Your Rights as a Voter: It’s your right to vote

Knowing Your Rights as a Voter: It’s your right to vote ...more

Civic Engagement

August 26, 20242 min read

Are You Stressed Out? Learn How to Keep your Stress Levels in Check

Are You Stressed Out? Learn How to Keep your Stress Levels in Check

Are You Stressed Out? Learn How to Keep your Stress Levels in Check ...more


August 26, 20242 min read

Minority Health Month: Celebrating Dr. John Crear

Minority Health Month: Celebrating Dr. John Crear

Minority Health Month: Celebrating Dr. John Crear ...more

Health ,Legacy &Civic Engagement

August 26, 20242 min read

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise ...more


August 26, 20243 min read

An Insight To Monkeypox

An Insight To Monkeypox

An Insight To Monkeypox ...more


August 26, 20245 min read

Down Payment Assistance: We’ve helped to purchase more than 793 homes

Down Payment Assistance: We’ve helped to purchase more than 793 homes

Down Payment Assistance: We’ve helped to purchase more than 793 homes ...more


May 04, 20201 min read

2019 Westside Pride Summit

2019 Westside Pride Summit

2019 Westside Pride Summit ...more

Civic Engagement

November 18, 20191 min read


5Cs of Lending

5Cs of Lending

5Cs of Lending Event ...more


September 06, 20242 min read

Spanish First-time Homebuyers Class

Spanish First-time Homebuyers Class

Spanish First-time Homebuyers Class ...more

Housing ,Events &Spanish

August 26, 20241 min read

English First-time Homebuyers Class

English First-time Homebuyers Class

English First-time Homebuyers Class ...more

Housing ,Events

August 26, 20241 min read

National Action Network: Aug 28 Legal Night

National Action Network: Aug 28 Legal Night

National Action Network ...more

Civic Engagement ,Events

August 26, 20240 min read

National Action Network: Aug 26 Women's Meeting

National Action Network: Aug 26 Women's Meeting

National Action Network ...more

Civic Engagement ,Events

August 26, 20240 min read

Annual Back to School Fair

Annual Back to School Fair

Annual Back to School Fair ...more

Education ,Events

August 26, 20242 min read

Get Involved

Are You Interested In Joining Us or Accessing Community Services? Contact Our Office To Learn More

Explore Nevada Partners

690 W Lake Mead Blvd. North Las Vegas, 89030

(702) 844 - 8000

© Nevada Partners Inc. All Rights Reserved.